If that's the case, check out how to fix "iMessage Not Delivered" problems on your iPhone. If iMessage is working on your iPhone but your messages aren't delivering, this is another subject entirely.
Apple nags you to install the updates, which are inconvenient and have. Any messages currently stored in iCloud are now accessible on your Mac, and any new messages you receive on your Mac will be stored in. First, make sure you have the latest version of iOS on all your devices (Settings > General > Software Update).

Select which email addresses and phone numbers you want to send and receive messages from on your Mac. You might find that you can use iMessage on your iPad, but not on your iPhone, so you know to focus your efforts on the iPhone. macOS 12 or earlier: Choose Messages > Preferences, click iMessage, then select Enable Messages in iCloud. On a Mac, open Messages and go to Messages > Settings > iMessage from the menu bar. On an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive. Look for a code on the Mac, iPad, or iPod touch that you enabled. Try Different Send and Receive Options If iMessage still isn't working on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, try using different options in the Send & Receive settings. Then go to Settings > Messages > Text Message Forwarding and enable the device or devices that you want to forward messages to. Add a check to both your phone number and email address. In this case, if you have multiple devices using iMessage, try sending messages with each of them. On your iPhone, go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive. You may not have multiple contacts you can check with if most of your friends use Android. On the other hand, if iMessage isn't working with any of your contacts, and you know they're using iMessage, the problem is probably with your device. You may need to complete a two-step verification process.

If it isn’t in your dock, you can find it in the Applications list in your Finder.

If you're having trouble with iMessage when sending messages to a single contact, the problem is probably on their end. Before you start troubleshooting, make sure that you have correctly enabled iMessage on your Mac. Are you sure iMessage isn't working with everyone, or is it just not working when you message one contact? Try sending iMessages to a few different people who you know use iMessage to find out if it works for any of them. Test iMessage by Sending Texts to Multiple Peopleīefore you assume the worst, it can't hurt to examine the problem.